Worship Ministry
Worship/ Administrative Pastor
The Worship/ Administrative Pastor will develop an authentic worship ministry that aligns with the church’s mission, oversee the Children’s Ministry, and manage the church office.
Worship Leading: Work with the Senior Pastor to plan Sunday morning worship services and special events (e.g. Christmas and Good Friday), including choosing songs and preparing service elements. Lead the congregation in worship. Conduct rehearsals and train musicians.
Children’s Ministry Tasks: Organize and oversee Children’s Ministry activities (e.g. AWANA weekly, Parent’s Night Out monthly, Trunk-or-Treat, and VBS) and manage volunteers.
Administrative Tasks: Maintain worship technology (sound systems, projectors), oversee instrument maintenance, manage the church office (e.g. emails, phone calls, etc.), and assist the Senior Pastor in various tasks.
Spiritual Commitment: A genuine relationship with Jesus Christ, a faithful quiet time, and a passion for worship ministry. (Please review the Baptist Faith & Message for our doctrinal statement- https://bfm.sbc.net/bfm2000/)
Musical Skills: Proficiency in leading worship.
Team Player: Willingness to work and support other church staff and volunteers.
Hours and Salary:
The position is full-time- $50K salary with benefits.
Living Hope Baptist Church- https://livinghopebaptistchurch.us/
To apply, send your resume to Pastor Chris Miller at pastorcmiller7@gmail.com.
To apply for this job, please click here https://justchurchjobs.com/apply/4413
To Apply: https://justchurchjobs.com/apply/4413