Job Board

Senior/Lead Pastors

Sr. Pastor

Madison Bible Church
Posted: 02/07/2025
Salary/Range: Based on qualifications
Madison, AL

Job Announcement: Senior Pastor

Madison Bible Church is seeking a senior pastor to equip, shepherd, and serve our congregation as we pursue faithful service to Christ. This document provides a description of the role, and then provides context through a description of both the church and our local community.


Roles and responsibilities of the Senior Pastor

    • Preaching and Teaching: Planning sermons, preparing supporting materials, communicating themes to the worship pastor, and preaching on Sunday mornings.
    • Shepherding: Proactively protecting the flock from damaging people and influences, leaning into conflict resolution, and assisting hurting members of the church body. 
  • Administration: Ensuring orderly function of church life, setting the weekly rhythms of activities for the pastors and staff, and helping the entire team to practice good stewardship.
  • Leadership: Contributing to the role of the Elder board in setting the mission, vision, and values of the church – and implementing the priorities that result from those commitments.
  • Supervision: Providing mentorship and accountability to other pastors, staff, and ministry heads / ministries of the church.
  • Personal growth: Pursuing vitality in your walk with the Lord while continuing to develop personal skills and deepen your scope of knowledge.
  • Rest: Establishing boundaries that protect you and your family from over-commitment and burn-out.



  • Education
    • Basic: Bachelor of Divinity (BDiv)
    • Preferred: Master of Divinity (MDiv) or Master of Theology (ThM) or Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
  • Experience
    • Minimum of 10 years in ministry, including 5 years in leadership roles
  • Character
    • The candidate must be mature in the faith and blameless in character so he can be an example to the church in purity of doctrine, in holiness of life, and in faithfulness in service. 
    • His character must be evidenced by the qualities outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-4.

The Heartbeat of the Local Church

When asked to describe MBC, our church members responded with words like “caring,” “close-knit,” and “family.” But we are also open to the community and eager to enfold newcomers. This was reflected by responses that included “welcoming,” “warm,” and “friendly.” We seek to develop fully devoted followers of Christ through worship, fellowship, service, and sharing the gospel.


Church Distinctives

MBC is an independent, non-denominational, Bible Church congregation that emphasizes the Word as God’s inspired, inerrant, revelation and message for all people, at all times, and in all circumstances. This means that we are deeply committed to the authority of Scripture. We take doctrine seriously and are evangelical, dispensational, Spirit-led (non-charismatic), and free-grace based. 


Many of us were ourselves newcomers with biological out-of-state ties, including military families and work transfers to the area.  We appreciate the sense of importance that our members place on community within the church, and we seek to make MBC a safe place for the spiritually wounded.



We are Biblical Elder-led, supported by a Board of Deacons. Both leadership teams are selected based on qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, and are subject to congregational approval.


Our current staff consists of Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor of Youth and Outreach, Assistant Pastor of Children and Worship, and part-time Administrative Assistant.


Worship Format

We meet for Sunday Worship Service, with blended worship music. The senior pastor usually delivers an expository message as part of a series going verse-by-verse through major portions of the Old and New Testaments, with an emphasis on personal application.


We have nursery, child care, and teaching through Grade 5.  After the Sunday morning worship services we have Adult Bible Fellowships (ABF), Senior and Middle School youth groups, children’s Sunday School (called “Jesus and Me”), nursery, and child care/teaching.


We have weekly Awana, Junior and Senior High small groups, men’s and ladies’ Bible studies, ladies’ monthly prayer meeting, and crafts night.  We relish meals together at major church gatherings, including outreach meals, with encouragement to invite friends and family, and a shared Thanksgiving meal.


We have an active missions ministry overseen by a missions (“Outward”) committee, with a separate “faith promise” budget, contributing to nine full time missionary families, local crisis pregnancy center, and local rescue mission.  We have a separate benevolence fund supported by designated gifts.



Our average Sunday morning attendance is about 125 people including adults and children.  We meet in two buildings on approximately five acres of prime property.  We are debt free. We have a diverse congregation spanning both blue collar and “professional” employment.



We started as a church plant from a Bible church in Huntsville, and incorporated in 1992 as an independent Bible Church.  In our history we have had two Senior Pastors (1992-2008 and 2009-2024).  We are seeking our third Senior Pastor.


Summary of Doctrine

We believe in:

  • One God, eternally co-existing in three Persons:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • One Lord, Jesus Christ, who without any subtraction of His Deity, took on sinless humanity, in order to die for our sins, was buried and raised to life again.
  • One authority for belief and behavior, the Bible, God’s complete and inerrant Word to man.
  • The declaration of God in His Word that all persons are sinners by nature and by deed.
  • Salvation, the eternally secure gift of God’s grace, including forgiveness of all sins and freedom from all condemnation, to every person who trusts in Jesus alone as his or her Savior.
  • The community of believers in Jesus Christ, the universal church, whose task is the starting and care of local churches in all nations.
  • The personal return of Jesus Christ to earth to reign for 1000 years, then to assign all unbelievers to hell and to create a new heaven and new earth, in which He and all believers will dwell eternally.


Our Community is Madison, Alabama

Nestled in the foothills of the Appalachians in North Alabama, Madison is a vibrant and fast-growing community known for its innovation and charm. Our town sits adjacent to Huntsville, Alabama (the “Rocket City”), which is home to Werner von Braun’s legacy, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, and Redstone Arsenal. Madison attracts a diverse population of professionals, many of whom contribute to the region’s booming aerospace tech and manufacturing industries. Its highly educated residents bring a sense of ambition and progress, yet southern hospitality remains at the heart of the community.


Madison also boasts excellent schools, making it a popular destination for families. Residents enjoy an abundance of outdoor recreation, from parks and greenways to hiking, cycling, soccer, and baseball. The town’s commitment to green spaces and family activities fosters an active lifestyle for all ages. Despite its rapid growth and appeal, Madison remains affordable compared to similar towns across the country, offering a high quality of life without the hefty price tag.


We’re growing. A quick Google search will show the larger Madison County area is growing at roughly 2% per year. And with I-565 interstate access and a small but well-served international airport, we’re accessible to the world. Newcomers love the amenities, while long-time residents grumble about the traffic. In that regard we’re a microcosm of other areas with growing economies and a strong base of technology-related job opportunities.


There is a lot of upward mobility here, with many young professionals throughout the community. These people are often displaced from their extended families, and can end up disconnected or even isolated. Our church is especially well positioned to minister to young families in need of Christian community and discipleship, and to connect these families to the wisdom and stability of the more mature believers in our congregation.


How to apply

If you would like to start the application process for this position, please send a copy of your resume to  We will follow up with you via email.


Thank you for exploring what role the Lord may have for you here at MBC!

To Apply: