Job Board

Teaching Pastors


Morning Star Community Church
Posted: 01/28/2025
Salary/Range: $50,000 + with additional benefits and parsonage
Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

Morning Star Community Church is prayerfully seeking to add a Teaching Pastor to our leadership
team with the ultimate goal of moving into a Lead Pastor position.

Morning Star Community Church is a healthy body of believers led by a five-member
board of elders (1 Timothy 3). The Pastors are members of the board, and together with the elders
are spiritually responsible for the ministry, finances, and oversight of the church and its affairs. We
strongly believe in the biblical pattern of team ministry and the diversity of ministries and gifts given by
God for the equipping and edification of the church (Ephesians 4).

To Apply: Church Administrator, Don Watts,, 970-881-2640.