Senior/Lead Pastors
Stanton Reformed Church is seeking a pastor to lead our congregation in spiritual growth as we move forward to a new chapter of our 175+ years of serving the Lord. Stanton averages 60 plus people in worship on Sundays. We have a daycare and an active children’s Sunday School program and an active deacon board.
We are looking at candidates who have a college degree, Master of Divinity degree from an accredited seminary and ordination in the Reformed Church in America or other denomination that partners with the RCA. However, we are also considering seminary students close to graduation as we are in a position to offer mentoring.
If you feel called to further explore the opportunity to serve as our Pastor and meet the qualifications, we look forward to hearing from you. Please email the church at and request a profile and job description, visit our website, check out our worship services and our face book page. But most importantly, pray first, for we are in search of a Pastor who listens and is led by the Spirit of God. Be blessed and know that we have been in prayer for you.
With Blessings,
Stanton Reformed Church Search Committee
Learn more about SRC at
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