Job Board

Child Care

Part-time Summer Nanny (aka Lead Fun Consultant)

Herrera Family
Posted: 06/22/2024
Salary/Range: $18-$20 /hr
Denver Tech Center

We are in search of a part-time summer nanny to cover the hours I will be working a part-time job. July-August is the most needed time frame, but there is the option to continue into the school year with adjusted hours if desired.

Qualifications: We are looking for someone who loves Jesus and wants to teach our kids about Him, has experience with young children, and is reliable and loving!

A bit about our family: we have two toddler boys (ages 2 and 3). They love trains, being outside, reading books, and each other 🙂

The job: I am getting my summer schedule this next week and am anticipating needing a nanny 15-20 hours per week for half days, during the mornings or afternoons. If you are interested, reach out and I will update you on exact hours as soon as I have them! Caring for the boys would look like feeding them snacks, taking them on walks to a park by our house, playing with them at the house, and doing nap time.

Feel free to reach out if you are interested or have any questions, I am happy to provide more details!

To Apply: Madeleine - (503)706-1106