Life Enrichment Director
Position Description: This is a part-time position with the primary responsibility of organizing activities that will enrich the lives of active retirees in our church and neighborhood community.
Rationale: The community surrounding St. Andrew is filled with a variety of demographics, including a growing population of active retirees. St. Andrew’s Deacons and staff have a history and will continue to care well for our aging members during hospitalizations, end of life, memorial services and other times of acute need, but there is a large portion of retirees whose needs are not so acute and, therefore, not met. Those retirees sitting in our pews and those living near us may be:
- struggling with the transition to retirement
- asking questions about how to meaningfully fill their time
- looking to create a new community of friends now that work is not a primary community
- seeking to define their legacy and what they will leave behind
Jesus said he came so that “we may have life and have it abundantly.” The Director will lead St. Andrew members and reach out to our community, helping them realize the abundant life Jesus came to bring.
- Develop and conduct or supervise workshops, events, seminars and dinners, meeting the unique needs and addressing key issues of active retirees [Examples: exercise classes, Medicare seminars, grief counseling sessions, dinners for six, planned giving/estate planning, community building, etc.]
- Attend weekly worship services at St. Andrew and provide leadership, as requested.
- Attend weekly staff meetings.
- Attend weekly one-on-one meetings with his/her supervisor.
- Coordinate and work closely with Deacons by attending their monthly meetings, learning where unique opportunities and needs might exist. Enrich, but not replace, the Deacons and the care they currently capably provide.
- Be the type of person with whom our congregation and our neighbors will fall in love.
- Incorporate and utilize the help/talents of members, training them to eventually do the work themselves.
- Collaborate with the Office Admin and Engagement Team to advertise events to the public and coordinate intergenerational opportunities.
Qualities and Characteristics:
- Faith in Jesus and beliefs aligned with the Christian tradition
- Self-motivated with a warm personality
- Open, creative idea person with excellent charismatic interpersonal skills – a team player who can work with all generations
- Familiar with issues of a retiring and recently retired population – life transitions, health care, loss of spouse, exercise routines, finding community, etc.
- Aware of happenings in the congregation and community – a busy-body in a good sense
- Introvert with an engaging personality, or an extrovert who can be a reflective and quiet listener.
- Proficient in Zoom, Email, Text, Phone, MS Office, Google Docs, and others
- Have a valid driver’s license and access to a personal vehicle.
Supervision and Support:
- Supervisor: Pastor Jacqueline Decker Vanderpol
- Support group (3-4 people) to provide St. Andrew history and institutional memory
Compensation and Schedule: $30 per hour for 20-24 hours per week. PTO and remote work flexible and negotiable. Leaves of absence should be arranged in consultation with the Pastor and coordinated with respect to the church year and programming.
We currently have funding for this position for three years. This position cannot be filled by a member of St.
Position Description: This is a part-time position with the primary responsibility of organizing activities that will enrich the lives of active retirees in our church and neighborhood community.
Rationale: The community surrounding St. Andrew is filled with a variety of demographics, including a growing population of active retirees. St. Andrew’s Deacons and staff have a history and will continue to care well for our aging members during hospitalizations, end of life, memorial services and other times of acute need, but there is a large portion of retirees whose needs are not so acute and, therefore, not met. Those retirees sitting in our pews and those living near us may be:
- struggling with the transition to retirement
- asking questions about how to meaningfully fill their time
- looking to create a new community of friends now that work is not a primary community
- seeking to define their legacy and what they will leave behind
Jesus said he came so that “we may have life and have it abundantly.” The Director will lead St. Andrew members and reach out to our community, helping them realize the abundant life Jesus came to bring.
- Develop and conduct or supervise workshops, events, seminars and dinners, meeting the unique needs and addressing key issues of active retirees [Examples: exercise classes, Medicare seminars, grief counseling sessions, dinners for six, planned giving/estate planning, community building, etc.]
- Attend weekly worship services at St. Andrew and provide leadership, as requested.
- Attend weekly staff meetings.
- Attend weekly one-on-one meetings with his/her supervisor.
- Coordinate and work closely with Deacons by attending their monthly meetings, learning where unique opportunities and needs might exist. Enrich, but not replace, the Deacons and the care they currently capably provide.
- Be the type of person with whom our congregation and our neighbors will fall in love.
- Incorporate and utilize the help/talents of members, training them to eventually do the work themselves.
- Collaborate with the Office Admin and Engagement Team to advertise events to the public and coordinate intergenerational opportunities.
Qualities and Characteristics:
- Faith in Jesus and beliefs aligned with the Christian tradition
- Self-motivated with a warm personality
- Open, creative idea person with excellent charismatic interpersonal skills – a team player who can work with all generations
- Familiar with issues of a retiring and recently retired population – life transitions, health care, loss of spouse, exercise routines, finding community, etc.
- Aware of happenings in the congregation and community – a busy-body in a good sense
- Introvert with an engaging personality, or an extrovert who can be a reflective and quiet listener.
- Proficient in Zoom, Email, Text, Phone, MS Office, Google Docs, and others
- Have a valid driver’s license and access to a personal vehicle.
Supervision and Support:
- Supervisor: Pastor Jacqueline Decker Vanderpol
- Support group (3-4 people) to provide St. Andrew history and institutional memory
Compensation and Schedule: $30 per hour for 20-24 hours per week. PTO and remote work flexible and negotiable. Leaves of absence should be arranged in consultation with the Pastor and coordinated with respect to the church year and programming.
We currently have funding for this position for three years. This position cannot be filled by a member of St. Andrew.
To Apply: Savannah Morton - office@standrewboulder.org