Job Board

Youth and Children's Ministry

Kids’ Ministry Director

New Denver Church
Posted: 07/09/2024
Salary/Range: $20-24/hr
Denver, CO
We’re looking for someone to oversee our Kids’ Ministry (birth-5th grade). We’re a small-ish church (150-200 people on a Sunday), but we serve lots of young families and have about 40 kids each Sunday. We’re looking for a Kids’ Ministry Resident who is passionate about supporting parents, leading volunteers (the current Kids’ Ministry volunteer team is approx. 75 people), and providing great age-appropriate environments for kids to encounter God!
-Prepare curriculum & supplies for all Sunday Kids’ Ministry environments (Babies, Toddlers, Preschool, & Elementary)
-Oversee Kids’ Ministry volunteer team, i.e., recruit, schedule, train, appreciate, etc.
-Oversee Kids’ Ministry environments on Sundays
-Manage Kids’ Ministry areas of the building, i.e., clean, organize, buy/restock supplies, etc.
-Work on additional Family Ministries projects and assist in planning and executing Family Ministries events
-Complete general administrative and all-staff duties, i.e., emails, staff & supervisor meetings, personal expense reports, event assistance, etc.

-Spiritual maturity and above-reproach character

-Synergy with the theology, ethos, and culture of New Denver Church
-Strong self-awareness about personality traits, gifting, and skill competence
-Regular attendance in NDC worship service, discipleship groups, & events
-Some hours/tasks can be completed remotely; must be available to work 8 hours a week on-site including Sunday mornings for worship services and Tuesdays for in-person meetings, etc.
-Attention to details; precision; accuracy; timeliness; good writer; organized
-Self-motivated; takes initiative; ability to work well on one’s own
-Familiar with child development; understands children’s needs and how they learn
-Ability to lead teams or groups of people
-Clear, gracious, and friendly communication with congregation and outsiders
To apply, fill out an application here –
To Apply: Emily Schulz -