Job Board


Financial Strategist Intern

His Faithful Stewards
Posted: 06/17/2024
Salary/Range: $20,000-$80,000 commission
Virtual, based in Johnstown, CO

I am a Denver Seminary graduate and I run a successful financial business that is focused on good stewardship. I am a regular guests on a Christian radio program on the American Family radio from where I gain most of my customers. The focus of the radio programs that I participate in are biblically based encouragement around financial issues. I serve customers all over the United States, mostly over Zoom. Occasionally there is a need to travel to clients, but not often.

I am seeking a business partner who shares my values and who can eventually take over a lot of my business when I move towards retirement in a few years. It would be part-time work, and could remain part-time for someone who may have other ministry interests that are not full-time. Or, it could grow into full-time if that was desired. Because of my radio presence, I have a regular stream of incoming customers and am often busier than I would like. This is a rare opportunity to enter the financial field without having to pay for leads to get things moving. It will require having or securing a life and health insurance license and annuity certification, and it will require learning more creative options in the financial field. (We do not have any stock market licenses and stand firmly against gambling in the market whenever possible.)

As most financial positions, it is a commission position. Leads coming from the radio would be shared and commission would be shared on business obtained from those leads.

My company focuses on four product lines: annuities, a specialty trust that does amazing things to reduce taxes, infinite banking, and a line of gold and silver coins. There is an occasional need to write a simple life insurance products for an existing client which we also will do. I do not personally work in the Medicare market but would consider adding that option if I had a partner with that expertise. In that case, all Medicare business would go to that person. Since many of our clients are in the retirement market, this could be a valuable addition for someone wanting to develop expertise in that area.

There is a potential to make good money with part-time work for someone who is good with people, communicates well, and looks out for the best of the clients. I am seeking someone younger than myself who can take over as I wind down. I work semi-full-time and am already into the 6-digits on income this year.

Company values: Stewarding the money that God entrusts to us well, Growing money well without risk, paying as little to the government in taxes as possible, being generous with kingdom ministries and keeping an eye on storing up treasure in heaven.

To Apply: Roxane Indermuehle (970) 217-9090