Job Board

Parachurch Ministry

Executive & Operations Administrative Assistant

Posted: 10/07/2024
Salary/Range: $20-33/Hr
Denver Metro

Executive & Operations Administrative Assistant


The Executive & Operations Administrative Assistant works closely with the Chief Operations Officer at Forge, providing high-level administrative support for the organization, and overall helping executive leadership fulfill everything they are responsible for, and serves the operations admin needs so that More Kingdom Laborers are raised up among all spheres of society worldwide, ultimately to see more of His Kingdom come among all the nations.



  • Detail-oriented
  • Strong Communication
  • Organized and able to easily prioritize tasks
  • Problem-Solving and Multi-tasking
  • Time-Management
  • Technology-efficient
    • Good understanding of programs such as Microsoft: Word, Excel, Powerpoint; Calendar apps, Email programs, etc.
  • Able to pull reports together for Executive Leadership evaluation or presentation
  • Potential additional beneficial skill – skilled with managing social media engagement for ministry leaders



Full-Time – *Open to conversations about part-time but full-time is preferred



Hybrid – Mostly remote but based in the Denver metro area.



$20-33 / hr Based on experience, time commitment, and skillset, etc.



Email your resume and information to



  • Present at weekly staff meeting (currently 9AM MST Tuesdays via Google Meet video)
  • Manage communication, calendar planning, and meeting scheduling for Forge Executive Leadership
    • Assuring emails are responded to, tasks get accomplished on time, and decisions are made when they need to be
    • Schedule when cards / emails / calls should be made, written, or mailed to strategic partners and connections, and make sure they are completed
    • Writing & Editing: Draft responses to emails, writings, and other communications
  • Expense Reports
    • Prepare money for international ministry travel, and create expense reports documenting how ministry funds were used after trips
  • Presentations and Meetings
    • Collect testimonies, pictures, data, reports, and all that Forge Executive Leadership may need for board meetings, donor meetings, and other gatherings
    • Do any research and obtain any bios needed for connection meetings
  • Travel Needs
    • Prepare books, resources, ministry newsletters, brochures, banners, and any other items needed for ministry event travel
    • Travel booking needs
  • Support Forge Leadership and Operations with other initiatives and needs such as, but not limited to:
    • Event Planning
    • Communications and Connections (Electronic, Print, Written, or Calls)
    • Mailings
    • Resource inventory
  • Database Management:
    • Pulling reports and lists for analysis or specific communications
    • Updating records
    • Cleaning up and scrubbing duplicate records
  • Event Support, including:
    • Registrations
    • Setup
    • Table, etc.
  • Additional Potential Support:
    • Expanding Ministry Network and Speaking Opportunities when ministry leadership shows up in a region:
      • Potential meetings: donors, ministry leaders, other connections, etc.
      • Expand events by connecting with previous event hosts, and look for new opportunities with potential ministry outlets such as: churches, colleges, universities, Bible Studies, organizations, ministries, events, camps, conferences, festivals, denominational gatherings, etc.
      • Explore Expansion opportunities when Forge Leadership shows up in a region (TV, radio, newspaper, Bible studies, services, anything other, etc.)



  1. A day by day “heart on fire,” up- close relationship with Jesus:

Loving God Intimately (Matthew 22:34-40)

Seeking His Kingdom Always (Matthew 6:33)

Being Daily Directed by His Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26)

Living Passionately for Christ (Romans 5:1-5)

Continuing Transformation Through the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Engaging in the Spiritual Battle (James 4:7, 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-17) Growing Together with Other Believers (Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 John 1:7, Proverbs 27:17)

  1. A day by day “life on purpose,” Kingdom-advancing life of love and laborership:

Loving All People (Matthew 22:34-40)

Participating in the Priesthood of Believers (1 Peter 2:9)

Engaging in the Ordinary (Matthew 9:10)

Spiritually Multiplying Through One-At-A-Time Reproduction (Titus 2:4, Matt. 28:16-20)

Fulfilling the Great Commission as Your Ultimate Purpose (Matthew 28:16-20)

Living in Unity with All Believers (John 17:23)

Living a Life of Transformational Impact (1 Cor. 3:10-15, Galatians 4:24, John 15:16)

  1. Regularly seeking God through prayer, time in the Bible, Dates Alone With God
  2. Regularly living as a Kingdom Laborer through seeking to love others, share Jesus with the lost, and ultimately make disciples in the ways God has uniquely wired you
  3. Commitment to engage with believers through a weekly local church gathering
  4. Seeking to live in obedience to Jesus in the areas of 1 Timothy 3:6-9



  1. Culture of honor, respect, and short accounts
    1. If offended or a frustration arises, go to the person and share in humility and gentleness that you were hurt or frustrated. If it is not solved or is a large issue, go to your supervisor and update them.
    2. Seek to build others up, both when they are present and not present. Do not speak things that will deteriorate their character to others in any way.
  2. Culture of communication
    1. 24 hour email/text/call response time
    2. Notify your supervisor if you will not be present / cannot work during a normal workday
    3. Submit work hours to your supervisor
    4. If someone requests that you do a specific task but it is not in your area of job responsibility, connect them to the correct point person. If there is no clear point person, discuss with your supervisor
    5. Available to communicate while working remotely / non-office workdays
    6. Schedule PTO/ time out of the office on the google calendar
  3. Culture of diligence (working for the Lord wholeheartedly)
    1. Complete projects in a timely matter, with excellence the best you can
    2. If you see a gap in our systems or work, communicate it with your supervisor and share any possible solutions you see
  4. Culture of grace
    1. When someone makes a mistake, be patient and grace-filled toward them
    2. If see mistakes continually happening, do not force the staff member into solutions but rather, share with your supervisor
  5. Culture of honesty and integrity
    1. “We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does”
    2. Act responsibly in and out of work hours, realizing that you represent something bigger than yourself – the ministry of Forge and even more-so, Jesus Christ






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