Associate and Assistant Pastors
Discipleship and Global Outreach Pastor
Discipleship and Global Outreach Pastor – Job Description
Reports to: Lead Pastor
The Discipleship and Global Outreach Pastor will oversee the growth of the
discipleship pathway throughout the Men’s, Women’s and Care ministry, Life
Groups, and Bilingual ministry by providing clear on-ramps for spiritual growth and
development, adult growth seminars, and mobilizing Global Missions initiatives for
the church at large.
1. Fully Endorses the EFCA Statement of Faith.
2. Understands and invests in one’s marriage and family.
3. Understands the process of making disciples and effectively equipping
others in making disciples.
4. Has the ability to cast a vision that is in alignment with the church mission and
core values.
5. Seeks to grow as a leader and model of genuine faith as a passionate follower
of Jesus Christ.
The Discipleship and Global Outreach Pastor of Kearney eFree Church shall function
in the following manner under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
1. Teacher – Has the gift of teaching the Word for spiritual and leadership
2. Counselor – Helps give Biblical insight and direction for those needing help
with issues or crises in their lives.
3. Networker – Provides direction and leadership for those he oversees to help
work together in alignment within ministry opportunities that directors oversee.
4. Resource Provider – Helps individuals and groups find the right resources to
help their personal life and ministry be effectively used for building the
5. Leadership – Provides opportunities for leadership development through
personal one-on-one mentorship and team development.
1. Discipleship
● Creates, evaluates, and revises strategy that aligns with the mission, core
values, and discipleship pathway of the church.
● Determines and proposes annual budget for discipleship programming and
monitors and controls expenditures to ensure operation within approved budget.
● Gives pastoral leadership in the area of teaching and resourcing.
● Responsible for maintaining simplicity across all discipleship programming,
including those overseen by direct reports, and empowering ministry in the
context of Life Groups as a primary discipleship portal, by working with
Connections and LifeGroup Pastor and Women and Care Director/Pastor.
2. Global Outreach
● Evaluates, and revises strategy that aligns with the mission and core values
of the church.
● Determines and proposes annual budget for all Global Outreach programming
and monitors and controls expenditures to ensure operation within approved
● Coordinates with the Community Engagement Director to ensure that
Global Missions programming and Community Engagement programming
compliment, rather than compete with, each other.
● Works with Global Outreach Team to mobilize and implement global missions
initiatives with the church at large.
● Responsible for discovering and equipping leaders to lead short term missions
● Oversees the assessment of continued support to full-time missionaries.
● Sustains and builds multi-level participation in our ministry partnerships with
Compassion International (Colombia) & Circle Urban Mission (Chicago).
3. Provides Adult Leadership Care
● Leads and directs Men’s Leadership team ministries, including Forge and key
strategic events, to continuously improve their quality and alignment with
church ministry direction.
● Oversees the Women and Care Director/Pastor, providing leadership
and direction to continuously improve the quality of Women’s and Care
Ministries and their alignment with church ministry direction.
● Oversees the Visitation Pastor, providing leadership and direction to
continuously improve the quality of Visitation and Men in Action ministries,
and their alignment with church ministry direction.
● Oversees the Connections and LifeGroups Pastor, providing leadership and
direction to improve these ministries’ quality and alignment with church ministry
● Oversees Pastor of Bilingual Ministry, providing leadership and direction to
continuously improve the quality of Bilingual ministries and their alignment
with church ministry direction. Assists with teaching in the Bilingual
Ministry when appropriate.
● Oversees the process of intentionally guiding seekers and new believers
onto the discipleship pathway.
Shared Responsibilities:
1. Team Player – Working together with the pastoral team to fulfill the mission of
Kearney Evangelical Free Church, recognizing and utilizing the spiritual gifts
and talents of the team, serving as a vital contributor and encourager to team
members in their areas of responsibility.
2. Trustworthy – Being consistently reliable, working to develop authentic
relationships through honesty and accountability and esteeming the value of
confidentiality and personal integrity.
3. Supporter – Means honoring and supporting the ideas and gifts of
contributions of each team member.
4. Communicator – Sharing ideas in a manner that is clear to others, listening
intently, assuming nothing while clarifying everything, and sharing responsibility
to understand and be understood.
The Discipleship and Global Outreach Pastor of Kearney eFree Church relates to
the following individuals and ministry teams.
1. He is responsible, first of all, to the Head of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ,
to whom we must all give an account (Romans 14:12; Colossians 1:18).
2. He is hired by and reports to the Lead Pastor and is accountable to him in
terms of function, responsibilities and accomplishment of ministry.
3. Works together with the pastoral team to accomplish ministry to fulfill the mission
of Kearney eFree Church.
4. Meets with all direct reports and Men’s and Global Outreach ministry teams.
Education & Certification:
• Bachelor of Arts Degree or equivalent in experience. MA in Divinity, Christian
formation, or Biblical Studies preferred. Credentialed in a similar denomination
or willing to attain licensure through EFCA.
To Apply: