Senior/Lead Pastors
Senior Pastor
FaithWay Community Church (Danielson, CT) – Senior Pastor
The Big Picture
FaithWay Community Church ( is seeking a Senior Pastor.
The Church
FaithWay Community Church is an autonomous church in partnership with the following regional networks. (SEND Network BCNE). The Church is only five years old and has been affiliated with the Baptist Churches of New England (BCNE) since its inception. While an active part of the BCNE and a result of the SBC’s SEND Network, FaithWay operates very independently and is seen by most as an independent evangelical church.
The Candidate
The preferred candidate for FaithWay’s next senior pastor will be a man under the age of 50. He will be married, possibly with some children still at home. We would trust that his marriage, while not flawless, would be a model for our congregation as per I Timothy 3:2-4. He will be well acquainted with New England culture by virtue of either having grown up here or having worked in the Northeast for a few years. He will also be well acquainted with smaller town life, again either through having grown up in a smaller town or through at least five years of ministry experience in a smaller-town, somewhat rural setting. He will be a graduate of a seminary. His preaching “audition” videos will give evidence that he truly preaches from the Bible, not just his own opinions. His references will confirm his love for the Bible and his ability to teach it well. We would prefer an expository approach to sermons versus topical.
He will have at least ten years experience in ministry. His ministry experience will not be characterized by short tenures in his positions and he will give satisfactory explanations of his transitions from each position as well as “gaps” in his overall resume. He will give testimony to at least one significant conflict in his experience in which he had to demonstrate Christian forgiveness and a plan for reconciliation/restoration. He will demonstrate humility in his answers to our questions. He will also be able to testify to situations in which he had to exhibit courageous leadership in the past. His philosophy of leadership will be team-based. We want him to be comfortable working as part of an Elder team. His philosophy of youth ministry will be parent-sensitive. His philosophy of cooperation with neighboring churches will be neither separatist nor ecumenical. In other words, we want him to work actively with other churches who are evangelical and bible-believing, but not necessarily with those who aren’t.
Specific ideal qualities identified by the Transition Team include:
1. Be an effective communicator ensuring necessary and transparent dialog about operations and necessary change to support the FaithWay’s vision and goals.
2. Be a delegator who finds, equips, and empowers new leaders to complete our goals. He must not try to do everything himself.
3. Be a team player who works closely with other elders, deacons, our treasurer, etc.; keeping them informed and cooperating in joint efforts.
4. Collaborate in developing and maintaining an inspiring holistic worship experience.
5. He must be honest about his struggles and challenges, willing to seek support when needed.
6. He must be an excellent preacher and teacher of the Bible who demonstrates the power and leading of the Holy Spirit.
The Process
Please look over this job description, the church website and the longer pastoral profile. Along with your resume please answer these questions:
Why do you believe that you might be a good fit as the Senior Pastor at FaithWay?
Describe your experiences in ministry and how you may be qualified to serve as the Senior Pastor of FaithWay?
In just a few sentences please give a summary of your theology and how that is in line with the doctrine of FaithWay.
Please send your resume, the answers to these questions and a link to at least one online sermon to
To Apply: