Administrative and Clerical
Church Administrator/Secretary
Purpose of position:
To provide for the administrative needs of the church and free the pastoral staff, leadership team for effective ministry. Senior Pastor
Reports to:
Senior Pastor
Relates closely with:
Treasurer / Facilities / Department leaders (e.g. Intern / Children’s Director / Web-Media Ministry/ L.I.F.E. Groups
Responsible for:
Receptionist: Answer calls and greet visitors, screen and refer requests.
To provide a welcoming and warm setting in the church office so that people will feel comfortable when they walk in and that they will know there is something special here – Jesus!!
Meeting needs of people: FBC family (listen, offer assistance, pray with them, refer them to Pastor or other appropriate staff or ministries).
Office Manager: Keep office functional / supplies stocked / equipment working / files accessible / work with printer, shippers, postal service.
Attend staff meetings
Assistance to Pastor Set up meetings and appointments / assist with projects / Sunday services
Visitor letters (Pastor has composed various letters for appropriate situations for his signature)
Make and prepare Celebration cards for Pastor. Mail as needed
Communications & IT Produce weekly bulletin / Maintain Calendar-Planning Center/ Bulletin Boards/ Sermon PPT & Worksheet
Sunday bulletin and any inserts (includes overflow from bulletin information; also, any incoming mail and e-mail – some need to be retyped)
Works with leadership and staff to provide timely and accurate communication with the congregation.
Reminders to pertinent people of certain weekly events by e-mail or phone
FBC Family Celebrations in bulletin last Sunday of month for following month.
New communion schedule Responsible for electronic media such as the electronic sign, website, church app, and weekly e-connection.
Coordinates the work of the Tech Team to support the servers, computers, and other technology.
Manages daily computer issues and is responsible for electronic door system, camera system, and phone system.
Record Keeping
Maintain membership information, treasurer assistance/ church statistics, legal papers, contributions, visitor information, purchase vouchers, petty cash.
Gather attendance books and record attendance
Ministry Journal – records Sunday sermon (scripture, main theme), any special music, any special events for the week
Maintain corporation paperwork
Facilitate building use agreements and maintain schedule of use events (get okay from leader in charge of building and grounds and leader in charge of Kitchen & Receptions)
Run errands as needed
Maintain confidential staff and ministry records (background checks, etc.)
Maintain directory (addresses, phone numbers and e-mails change frequently)
Maintain membership roll, baptisms
Project Coordinator: Facilitate and track projects / Facility / coordinate volunteers (default or back up assistance) / calendar.
Maintain an attitude of being a disciple and disciplining others.
A commitment to pray for the church family.
Position Qualifications:
Personal relationship with and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Knowledge of Scripture (College level or Bible school training strongly preferred).
Subscribe to the Statement of Faith, Constitution, By-Laws, goals, and policies of FBC
A team player mindset evidenced in loyalty to the leaders, staff and congregation.
Effective communication skills.
A competitive salary and benefit package will be set based upon education and experience.
Purpose of position:
To provide for the administrative needs of the church and free the pastoral staff, leadership team for effective ministry. Senior Pastor
Reports to:
Senior Pastor
Relates closely with:
Treasurer / Facilities / Department leaders (e.g. Intern / Children’s Director / Web-Media Ministry/ L.I.F.E. Groups
Responsible for:
Receptionist: Answer calls and greet visitors, screen and refer requests.
To provide a welcoming and warm setting in the church office so that people will feel comfortable when they walk in and that they will know there is something special here – Jesus!!
Meeting needs of people: FBC family (listen, offer assistance, pray with them, refer them to Pastor or other appropriate staff or ministries).
Office Manager: Keep office functional / supplies stocked / equipment working / files accessible / work with printer, shippers, postal service.
Attend staff meetings
Assistance to Pastor Set up meetings and appointments / assist with projects / Sunday services
Visitor letters (Pastor has composed various letters for appropriate situations for his signature)
Make and prepare Celebration cards for Pastor. Mail as needed
Communications & IT Produce weekly bulletin / Maintain Calendar-Planning Center/ Bulletin Boards/ Sermon PPT & Worksheet
Sunday bulletin and any inserts (includes overflow from bulletin information; also, any incoming mail and e-mail – some need to be retyped)
Works with leadership and staff to provide timely and accurate communication with the congregation.
Reminders to pertinent people of certain weekly events by e-mail or phone
FBC Family Celebrations in bulletin last Sunday of month for following month.
New communion schedule Responsible for electronic media such as the electronic sign, website, church app, and weekly e-connection.
Coordinates the work of the Tech Team to support the servers, computers, and other technology.
Manages daily computer issues and is responsible for electronic door system, camera system, and phone system.
Record Keeping
Maintain membership information, treasurer assistance/ church statistics, legal papers, contributions, visitor information, purchase vouchers, petty cash.
Gather attendance books and record attendance
Ministry Journal – records Sunday sermon (scripture, main theme), any special music, any special events for the week
Maintain corporation paperwork
Facilitate building use agreements and maintain schedule of use events (get okay from leader in charge of building and grounds and leader in charge of Kitchen & Receptions)
Run errands as needed
Maintain confidential staff and ministry records (background checks, etc.)
Maintain directory (addresses, phone numbers and e-mails change frequently)
Maintain membership roll, baptisms
Project Coordinator: Facilitate and track projects / Facility / coordinate volunteers (default or back up assistance) / calendar.
Maintain an attitude of being a disciple and disciplining others.
A commitment to pray for the church family.
Position Qualifications:
Personal relationship with and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Knowledge of Scripture (College level or Bible school training strongly preferred).
Subscribe to the Statement of Faith, Constitution, By-Laws, goals, and policies of FBC
A team player mindset evidenced in loyalty to the leaders, staff and congregation.
Effective communication skills.
A competitive salary and benefit package will be set based upon education and experience.
To apply for this job, please click here
To apply for this job, please click here
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