Job Board

Associate and Assistant Pastors

Associate Pastor of Youth Ministry

Crossview Church
Posted: 01/23/2025
Grabill, IN

Crossview Church (Grabill, IN) is a mid-sized, average weekly attendance 225+, relational, young family-oriented
ministry located just outside of Fort Wayne. A denominational member of the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches,
Crossview’s vision is to “Awaken people to life in Jesus Christ” through dedication to biblical discipleship that
encourages people of all ages to know God, grow spiritually, and go missionally in obedience to the call of The Great
Commission – Matthew 28:16-20.
Crossview is currently seeking a full-time associate pastor to help with leadership, oversight, and direction of its
youth ministry. The Associate Pastor of Youth will focus on the discipleship and spiritual growth of middle and high
school aged students, ensuring a Christ-centered, Scripture-saturated youth ministry that cultivates vibrant
community, integrates biblical teaching, connects students to relational mentoring, and encourages missional
outreach and evangelism.
The Associate Pastor of Youth will be expected to set goals, build ministry teams, formulate short-term and long range
plans while helping to develop a vision and discipleship growth strategy for Crossview’s youth group. The
pastoral position will work closely with other staff members and ministry volunteers to plan, implement, and
execute weekly youth ministry programming designed to “Awaken students to life in Jesus Christ” consistent with
the mission, vision, and core values of Crossview Church as directed by the Elder Team.
Other responsibilities include planning and implementing diverse activities such as mission trips, retreats, local
outreach initiatives, ministry fundraisers, special conferences, and summer programming.
Primary Ministry Responsibilities
• Vision and Leadership – Develop and oversee a comprehensive youth ministry strategy, equipping and
mentoring volunteers while discipling students.
• Teaching and Discipleship – Teach engaging, biblically sound lessons and lead student discipleship groups.
Sunday morning preaching and teaching opportunities will also be available.
• Family Ministry Integration – Partner with parents to encourage and strengthen family worship and
discipleship within the home.
• Outreach and Community Engagement – Lead events and build connections with local schools and
community organizations.
• Administrative and Pastoral Duties – Manage budgets and serve in broader pastoral team responsibilities:
congregational care, shepherding, hospital visits, general counseling, pre-marital counseling, officiating
weddings/funerals, etc.

Be youthful in spirit, have a love, passion for, and calling to lead young people.
• College degree in Biblical studies/ministry and prior pastoral experience is preferred.
• Strong organizational skills and good communication skills (verbal and written).
• Strong computer, social media, and technology skills required.
• Excellent ability to lead others to accomplish team objectives and desired outcomes.
• Experienced and sensitive in dealing with the emotional and developmental needs of children and youth.
• Must be able to deal effectively with conflict.
• Must be a self-starter, self-motivator, and be able to work flexibly with both close and distant supervision.
• Maintain a vibrant relationship with Christ, having a regular time in God’s word and in prayer, and looking
for continued opportunities for Christian growth.
• Maintain God-ordained priorities in your life by putting Jesus Christ first, your spouse second, your children
third, and the ministry fourth.
• Support the vision and ministry of Crossview Church by being Kingdom-minded in generous financial giving.
• Be loyal to the vision and leadership of Crossview and always protect the unity of the church.
• Invest and invite the lost to know Jesus and come to Crossview Church.
• Be punctual, prepared, and motivated to give God your absolute best in every opportunity.
Application Process
Candidates should submit the following documents for review by Crossview’s pastoral search committee:
1. Cover Letter
2. Resume
3. Completed Application Packet (available for download via the church website)
4. (3) Professional References
5. Ministry Experience Samples (links to teaching or preaching videos as applicable)
Application documents can be sent to:
Neal Friesen
Executive Pastor

To Apply: