Job Board

Senior/Lead Pastors

Rector / Senior Pastor

The Mission Anglican Church
Posted: 07/09/2024
Pensacola, FL

Appointment and Tenure: The Pastor is nominated by a Vestry-designated Search Committee, called by the Vestry in consultation with the Parish and approval of the Bishop, and will serve in accordance with the Church By-laws for an indefinite tenure.


Purpose: The Pastor will serve as the primary leader of the church, training the Ministry Team leaders to do the work of ministry, while being advised by the elected Vestry. The Pastor is responsible for spiritual education, programs, sacramental duties, use of the facility, and hiring and firing of all paid and volunteer staff.  With these responsibilities, the Pastor has full authority over each of these areas, and will run the day to day business of the church within the budgetary limitations provided by the Vestry. The Pastor is accountable to the members of the church and the oversight of the Bishop.


Pastor Expectations:


  • The Pastor will recruit and coordinate Ministry Team Leaders for the specific purpose of accomplishing the Vision (Love Life Together) in accordance with our Core Values (Three-streams Ministry including Word, Sacrament, and Spirit).
  • The Pastor will coordinate the efforts of the congregation in the realization of our Vision through lay-driven and lay-lead programs.
  • The Pastor will meet with the Elders and Ministries Team annually during January to revisit the Vision of the Parish and establish a comprehensive plan replete with goals and measurable objectives for each area of ministry.
  • The Pastor will meet with the Vestry at least once per month.
  • The Pastor will be the primary spiritual leader of the Parish and determine matters of doctrine and theology. He is ultimately responsible for all teaching and preaching within the Parish to ensure orthodoxy and alignment with the 39 articles and the Solemn Oath and Declaration.
  • The Pastor shall recommend to the Elders an annual budget and shall supervise expenditures.


Annual Goals:


(1) Increase average attendance increase 10% annually.

(2) Recruit and train Ministry Team Leaders to include the Invite Team, The First Impressions Team, the Worship Arts Team, Small Group Team, Care and Follow-up Team, and Youth and Children’s Ministry.

(3) Conduct stewardship training and encourage increased fund-raising annually.

(4) Prepare an annual budget proposal to the Vestry usually in October.


Applications, resumes and references should be sent to the Head of our Pastoral Search Committee, Chuck Howard. Cell (850) 380-4543., 970 Grand Canal Street, Gulf Breeze, Florida 32563.

To Apply: Chuck Howard, (850) 380-4543,